Blog/Daily news and announcements

The passing of Charles Frederick Thuma, Class of 1950.

Age 102! The passing of Charles Frederick ThumaClass of 1940. Charles Frederick Thuma, Sr. age...

The passing of Patricia Mae (Wehrenberg) Carbocci, Class of 1958.

The passing of Patricia Mae (Wehrenberg) Carbocci,Class of 1958. Just 46 days after the passing...

The passing of Linda S. (Darmstadt) O’Connell, Class of 1975.

The passing of Linda S. (Darmstadt) O’Connell, Class of 1975. We are deeply saddened and...

The passing of John P. Gassert, Class of 1965

The passing of John P. Gassert Class of 1965 We express our sorrow and extend...

The passing of Richard John “Rich” Couch, Class of 1965

The passing of Richard John “Rich” CouchClass of 1965 It is with deep sadness that...

The passing of Collette (Malone) Gneuhs, Class of 1969

The passing of Collette (Malone) Gneuhs, Class of 1969 We are saddened to learn of...

The passing of Jane L. Simmons, Class of 1989

The passing of Jane L. Simmons, Class of 1989 We are saddened to hear of...

Margaret Jane Thompson (Perry) Policastro, Class of 1941.  “Margie the Ice-Cream Lady”

Newsday (Suffolk Edition) Wed, Nov 24, 1982 ·Page 23. Added by:  Frederick Baumeister III on 02 Feb...

Today’s Veteran Spotlight LT Jesse Sant, US Army, Class of 2005

Today's VeteranSpotlight:LT. Jesse Sant, US ArmyClass of 2005 Jesse Sant, Sayville Hih School Class of...

The passing of Jeanette Sivertsen Potter, Class of 1948

The passing of Jeanette Sivertsen Potter, Class of 1948 Jeannette Potter Obituary Obituary published on...

The passing of Karolyn J. Palock, Class of 2005

The passing of Karolyn J. Palock, Class of 2005 Karolyn J. Palock March 18, 1986...

The passing of Monica Ann Frank, Class of 1981

The passing of Monica Ann Frank, Class of 1981 Monica Ann Frank will forever be...

The passing of Mary Noreen (Englert) Radigan
beloved Sunrise Elementary Nurse

The passing of Mary Noreen (Englert) RadiganBeloved School Nurse at Sunrise Elementary We are saddened...