lost one of our beloved Sayville teachers… Mr. Dick Carbocci. He was also a SHS alumni, Class of 1958
We have lost one of our beloved Sayville teachers...
We have lost one of our beloved Sayville teachers...
Today's VeteranSpotlight:Ten SHS Grads attend the Army-Navy Football Game Joe Golio from the Facebook page "Sayville Happenings & History" graciously shared an impressive photograph featuring nine graduates from Sayville High School who attended the Army-Navy game...
The passing of Patricia "Patty" HunterClass of 1973 Patricia "Patty" Hunter, Class of 1973...
The passing of Richard E. Hopper, Class of 1981 We are saddened to learn of the passing of Richard on Friday December 13, 2024. Rich’s departure has cast a shadow of sorrow over the Sayville community, where...
The passing of Marie A. (Hoeckley) LaessigClass of 1949, at age age 93. We are saddened to learn of the passing of Marie at her home in Westfield, NJ on Wednesday October 9, 2024.Passing away at the...
Today's VeteranSpotlight:Gareth Style, Platoon Sergeant, US Army F Troop 8th Cav, Blue Ghost Gareth Style, Class of 1967 Gareth Style, a graduate of Sayville High School, made a pivotal choice to enlist in the Army.At the age of 18,...
Simple, fast, easy!Point camera at QR Code or click here! SAA Vet Spotlight QR COde ...
Our Historians just determined Helen “Sally” (Jarman) Connelly was also a SHS Grad! Class of 1949! Sally, who departed this life on November 14, 2024, at the age of 93, was a cherished office...
The passing of Robert "Bob" PeiserClass of 1969. It is with a heavy heart that we share the sorrowful news of the passing of a true Sayville Sports Champion, Robert "Bob" Peiser, from the Class of...
The passing of Gloria Jean (Attanasio) JohnsonClass of 1951. Age 91. We are saddened to hear of the passing of Gloria Jean (Attanasio) Johnson, a distinguished member of the Class of 1951, on October 2,...
Terry Gallagher a beloved daughter, sister, mother, and friend passed away on December 4, 2024....
Honor Their Stories Share Your Experience, Celebrate Their service! Each veteran's journey deserves recognition. Are you a veteran? Do you know a classmate who is? We would love to hear your or their stories and share it with our Sayville...
Bobbie turned 100 years of age on June 8, 2024. Sadly, she passed away October 10, 2024. Borghild “Bobbie” Ruth (Hansen) Clark, Class of 1942. Can you envision attaining the remarkable age of 100?Let us now celebrate...
https://sayvillealumni.org/sayvilles-military-home-of-the-free-because-of-the-brave-by-linda-cromwell-class-of-1973/ ...
Howard Berger (Class of 1967 Historian) kindly shared this 1961 photo and wrote: "Our sixth grade teacher at Greene Avenue sent me photos of our class" top Left: ? Second from left: : John Newton talking with...
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Jacqueline (Shortell) McSweeney, a respected member of the Class of 1961. We extend our sincerest condolences to Jacqueline's family, friends, and classmates. Our associates at...