We have some news tonight!
Registration and log-ins on our website are hereby eliminated. Just come enjoy your Sayville Alumni Association website.
Some might ask why…
1. Over the past three years, less than half of one percent (0.47%) bother to register.
2. With data breaches in the news every day, we don’t want to be the keeper of any potentially private information. Everything we have is in plain view already.
3. We launched a free social media platform exclusive to the SAA three years ago with class-year forums, personal emails/linking capability and other features for registered members. Based on nearly zero activity, there is simply no interest, which is perfectly fine.
So, enough of all that! If you want to keep us up to date with name changes, marriages, reunion info., cemetery information, and the like, simply email your class liaison as listed on our “About us” page or you can always email me directly at halgbrown@sayvillealumni.org
In other news, I could really use some help with the website. Nothing new is needed, just routine answering of email inquiries, updating the database of names, and so forth. Perhaps you have some knowledge of “WordPress” and would like to help out a little bit with generating posting or taking care of a needed edit, from time to time?
Yes, we could always use help with our Facebook page. we would like to have more positive postings about alumni milestones such as college graduation, new jobs, retirements, etc.
We are still hoping for a volunteer treasurer which involves almost no work whatsoever, as we have no fees.
We could always use help with research and preparing “Endless Waves” biographies as a part of our historians’ team, updating the virtual cemeteries and searching the Suffolk County News for more alumni marriages!
Is anyone willing to grab an oar and help row just a little bit?
Thanks and respectfully, -Hal
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