Update!!! Zoom meeting tomorrow! Sayville High School Class of 1975 — 50th High School Reunion Planning Stage!

Update!!! Zoom meeting tomorrow! Sayville High School Class of 1975 — 50th High School Reunion Planning Stage!

Attention Sayville Class of ’75. There will be a 50th high school reunion planning meeting via Zoom on March 14th 7pm (EST) Join in.

Topic: 50th High School Reunion
Time: Mar 14, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 7417 1676
Passcode: 277119


Sayville High School Class of 1975

50th High School Reunion


Holy Moly! Has it been fifty years? Just about.

June 2025 marks our 50th High School Graduation Anniversary.

Let’s celebrate! Reminisce. Visit our old haunts.


Oh wait. This is going to take some organization, coordination, helping hands and creative minds. It will take time to get the word out, establish committees, and put together a memorable event.


I am willing to get things started by hosting a Zoom meeting on March 14th at 7pm (EST). Any Sayville High School Class of 1975 alumni may join in and put in their two-cents.


Come with your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions. We can brainstorm committees and starting points. Although, long distance alumni are welcomed, we will need local folks to do some physical leg-work in investigating venues and such.



PM/DM me to request the March 14th Zoom link invitation. Please include your name, the name you graduated with, and where you currently live.


Don’t worry if you can’t make but want to help out. We will send out information and forms for Everyone after the March 14th meeting.


See you soon

Antoinette Truglio Martin

Sayville High School 1975

Sayville High School Class of 1975

50th High School Reunion


Holy Moly! Has it been fifty years? Just about.

June 2025 marks our 50th High School Graduation Anniversary.

Let’s celebrate! Reminisce. Visit our old haunts.


Oh wait. This is going to take some organization, coordination, helping hands and creative minds. It will take time to get the word out, establish committees, and put together a memorable event.


I am willing to get things started by hosting a Zoom meeting on March 14th at 7pm (EST). Any Sayville High School Class of 1975 alumni may join in and put in their two-cents.


Come with your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions. We can brainstorm committees and starting points. Although, long distance alumni are welcomed, we will need local folks to do some physical leg-work in investigating venues and such.



PM/DM me to request the March 14th Zoom link invitation. Please include your name, the name you graduated with, and where you currently live.


Don’t worry if you can’t make but want to help out. We will send out information and forms for Everyone after the March 14th meeting.


See you soon

Antoinette Truglio Martin

Sayville High School 1975

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