Tonight, Toniann Fiorello, Class of 1981 baked a Sayville High classic… “Millie’s Bread”.

Tonight, Toniann Fiorello, Class of 1981 baked a Sayville High classic… “Millie’s Bread”.

Tonight, Toniann Fiorello, Class of 1981 baked a Sayville High classic… “Millie’s Bread”.

Tonight, Toniann Fiorello, Class of 1981 baked a Sayville High classic… “Millie’s Bread”.

Tonight, Toniann Fiorello, Class of 1981 baked a Sayville High classic… “Millie’s Bread”.

If memory serves me correctly, this was the original recipe of Millie Suckow of West Sayville.

Millie, an avid proficient bowler, was also one of those amazing ladies from the cafeteria who kept us all fed! Thank goodness, May Buys (also a magician in the cafeteria) shared the recipe!

Thanks for the memories, Toniann!

Tonight, Toniann Fiorello, Class of 1981 baked a Sayville High classic… “Millie’s Bread”.
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