Today’s “History-Mystery” is from 1959

Today’s “History-Mystery” is from 1959

Today’s “History-Mystery” is from 1959

Today’s “History-Mystery” is from 1959

We are always looking to update our alumni records and some things are a mystery — unless we ask you, the experts!

Ms. Carolyn Audrey Flynn marries Walter Sheehan.

We would like to know Carolyn’s SHS year of graduation (or attendance).

Also, just out of curiosity, were Carolyn Flynn and Walter Sheehan SHS sweethearts? We know of many SHS sweethearts who later tied the knot. One of these days, we will post that list!

Incidentally, the reason this remains a mystery is our records were not drawn from Sayville School Administrative archives (unfortunately, we have never had access). Rather, our records were simply derived from senior pictures in the annual yearbooks and the Suffolk County News.

Sometimes, we are stumped, such as when no senior picture exists or we can’t locate any newspaper confirmation.

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