The passing of Richard Wilton LaFountain, Class of 1979

The passing of Richard Wilton LaFountain, Class of 1979

The passing of Richard Wilton LaFountain, Class of 1979

Today, the 9th of August marks Richard’s birthday.   His 30-month battle with cancer ended three days ago.  Richard’s daughter Kimee provided the attached obituary, which details his amazing life and contributions to Boy Scouts, fire services, historical ventures and much, much more.

It is with great sadness that we express our deepest condolences to Richard’s family (which includes several Sayville High Alumni), friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.

Throughout the course of his life, Richard has touched the lives of so many people with his kindness, generosity, and thoughtfulness.

We will remember Richard every year on his birthday, August 9th. As we remember Richard on his birthday, we hope it will bring some comfort to those who knew and loved him. We can honor his memory, by celebrating his life and the joy he brought to all of us. Let us cherish those memories and use them to comfort us in times of grief.

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