Speaking of the Alvin (and going off topic a bit here), prior to being named “The Alvin”, this massive 1905 building was called “Beechwood”.
Yesterday, we mentioned that Adele L. (L’Ecluse) Slade, Class of 1933
was the owner and operator of the Alvin Hotel (rooming house) at 103 Gillette Avenue in Sayville.
Speaking of the Alvin (and going off topic a bit here), prior to being named “The Alvin”, this massive 1905 building was called “Beechwood”.
The Alvin was operated as a “modern bed and breakfast with eight rooms and an owner who lived on the premises.
One famous resident in the 1960s was “Beautiful Kitty Gordon”. Kitty was the “toast of Broadway”. In the early
1900’s, Kitty was the star of 28 silent movies and world-a renowned vaudeville headliner. She “now lives modestly at
the Alvin Hotel on Gillette Avenue, Sayville. The still hauntingly lovely actress moved here three years ago. She blithely admits to being in her eighties”. Source: Suffolk County News, January 19, 1961, Page 1. Story by Virginia Rozycki.
The Alvin was converted to 16 rooms because of a grandfather clause legally allowing zoning for up to 15 people. This increased residency later because a huge source of aggravation for neighbors resulted in protests and court actions. source: Suffolk County News, January 13, 2005 Page 1, “A house divided – residents demonstrate against Alvin Owners by Linda Leuzzi.
Kitty Gordon photo is from Kitty_Gordon.jpg: Bain News Service, publisher
derivative work: PawełMM (talk)
2012-02-22 23:01 (UTC)
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