Sayville History Splash. This photo is from our 1952 yearbook.
Students used typewriters.
They played records on phonographs.
You could go home or stay at school for lunch.
No computers, internet, smartphones.
Typically, unless severely disabled, special needs weren’t diagnosed.
Mary McGrath, a Freelance Writer, and photographer from Culver City, California wrote the following thoughts on March 6, 2018;
“Imagine walking to school without fear of being kidnapped, killed, or run over? That’s what it was like to go to school back in the day. Imagine having classes like recess, art, music, and other areas of study that have been recently removed from school programs.
Imagine actually playing with your peers instead of communicating with them through devices.
Imagine falling down and hurting yourself and it wasn’t the end of the world. Imagine looking up at the sky on a lazy afternoon and trying to figure out what the clouds meant.
Imagine going to school and not worrying about being shot.
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