Sayville Alumni Association History Mystery… What is the date of birth of Dudley Humphrey Danes, Class of 1919?

Sayville Alumni Association History Mystery…  What is the date of birth of Dudley Humphrey Danes, Class of 1919?

Sayville Alumni Association History Mystery… What is the date of birth of Dudley Humphrey Danes, Class of 1919?

Sayville Alumni Association History Mystery…  What is the date of birth of Dudley Humphrey Danes, Class of 1919?

Dudley Humphrey Danes grew up in Sayville and attended public schools.  He was quite actives, attended many events involving friends and was active in organizations.   His father was Adren Danes, was a sea Captain with serious history alcohol issues which caused serious disruption in the family home in Sayville.  Numerous newspaper accounts detail Arden spending time in lockup due to domestic abuse to his wife, Emma.


Dudley graduated Sayville High in 1919.

He then attended Columbia University as a pre-med student.


Per various Suffolk County News articles, Dudley was a bright and popular young man.  Dudley had experience as a furniture salesman.  He suffered from illness in the Suffolk County News articles;


July 25, 1924.  “give up an excellent position in New York because of Ill health”

November 14, 1924.   “Dudley Danes is quite seriously ill and continued to his bed at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arden Danes on Handsome Avenue.  Dr. Mettitt is caring for him.”

November 21, 1924.   “Dudley Danes is reported this week as being somewhat better.  He has been moved to the Green Avenue cottage of his grandmother, Mts. M. e. Lesser, and is being cared for by his mother Mrs. Arden Danes”.
November 6, 1925.   “Dudley Danes was also home from the (Holstsville) Sanitorium for Election Day”.


Note:  it would appear that Dudley Danes  suffered from Tuberculosis, whereas he spent time at the Holtsville Suffolk Tuberculosis Sanitorium.

“1915:  The Holtsville Suffolk Tuberculosis Sanitorium, (in use until 1960), is built on 45 acres cleared by 40 Suffolk County jail inmates.  This building, containing 40 beds, is located on Horseblock Road and took 2 years to build.  Today it is part of the Suffolk Community College on College Road. The land for the Sanitorium was sold by Septer Terry for $4000.  Source:

Sadly, Dudley Humphrey Danes died December 3, 1926 after several years of illness.

His funeral was held in the Sayville Methodist Church.

Various records indicate his year of birth as 1899, 1902, 1903 and 1904.

Dudley’s gravestone indicates birth in 1904, which is perhaps, incorrect as that would make him just 15 at his SHS graduation.

The Sayville Alumni Association would like to remember Dudley Humphrey Danes annually on his birthday, but what is it?  This far, we have not found it in on-line resources.   Perhaps there is a church, cemetery, sanitorium, family or other record our there?

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