Welcome to the Sayville Alumni Association!

No membership fees. Free and always will be. A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Charitable Corporation

"Endless Waves" Features Ticker:

Remembering our Sayville High School Alumni history holds a significant and multifaceted value for individuals, communities, and institutions. This remembrance extends beyond mere nostalgia; it shapes identities, strengthens communities, and fosters a sense of continuity and pride. Documenting and celebrating the accomplishments of alumni provides current students with tangible examples of success.

Whether alumni have achieved prominence in the military, academia, sports, arts, business, or community service, their stories inspire students to pursue their goals with determination. These role models demonstrate that success is truly achievable and that our high school and the mentorship of our teachers was a critical step in the journey!

Are you a past service member or acquainted with one from SHS?

Share your experiences or honor their dedication, RIGHT HERE! Each veteran’s account merits being “SPOTLIGHTED“.

Lend us your voice as we come together to honor military contributions.

Your participation means a lot, and we are eager to showcase the extraordinary stories of our valued alumni veterans!

And now, your SAA Daily News/Blog!

Class of 1992 30th reunion in 2022?

John Schilling, Class of 1992 has inquired about any plans for a 30th reunion is 2022. Here at the SAA, we have not heard anything and don't have a class liaison/point of contact listed for 1992. If...

Who are the class liaisons – point of contact?

We need so many more classes represented. Can you please help? If a particular year is not listed, then unfortunately no one has volunteered. 2014 – Jaimee (Sheridan) Gestewitz 1994 – Christina...

Yeah! We now have a 1994 Point of Contact/Liaison; Christina O’Connell

Thank you very much, Christina, for stepping up to the plate!   This is terrific!...

Excellent observation and point of guidance from an anonymous alumnus

Last night, we received very excellent observation and point of guidance from an anonymous alumnus, regarding our history mysteries. I wanted to share this with everyone; "It would be helpful to know...

Volunteer a few minutes here and there? How about it? How about you?

Key-Person Dependency Risk is a serious risk posed by any organization's over-reliance on one individual. We want to avoid that! Would you like to occasionally volunteer a few minutes here and there...

SAA History Mystery; Christopher J. Kelly and Kevin Barry, both Class of 1975

Seeking any information you might have on Christopher and Kevin.  ...

We are very excited to announce two new volunteers at the Sayville Alumni Association!

We are very excited to announce two new volunteers at the Sayville Alumni Association! Roy Fedelem, President of the Sayville Historical Society volunteered to fill a long-time vacancy as our Liaison...

Have information or photographs about Sayville High alumni who have unfortunately passed away? 

Wish to commemorate an alumnus or alumna in our “Birthday Remembrances” and “Class Virtual Cemetery?

Wish to keep us informed and provide your own contact information and personal legacy details?   

Information Submission Portal

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