Welcome to the Sayville Alumni Association!

No membership fees. Free and always will be. A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Charitable Corporation

"Endless Waves" Features Ticker:

Remembering our Sayville High School Alumni history holds a significant and multifaceted value for individuals, communities, and institutions. This remembrance extends beyond mere nostalgia; it shapes identities, strengthens communities, and fosters a sense of continuity and pride. Documenting and celebrating the accomplishments of alumni provides current students with tangible examples of success.

Whether alumni have achieved prominence in the military, academia, sports, arts, business, or community service, their stories inspire students to pursue their goals with determination. These role models demonstrate that success is truly achievable and that our high school and the mentorship of our teachers was a critical step in the journey!

Are you a past service member or acquainted with one from SHS?

Share your experiences or honor their dedication, RIGHT HERE! Each veteran’s account merits being “SPOTLIGHTED“.

Lend us your voice as we come together to honor military contributions.

Your participation means a lot, and we are eager to showcase the extraordinary stories of our valued alumni veterans!

And now, your SAA Daily News/Blog!

2018 Graduation program

Hello all! Does anyone have a class of 2018 graduation program -- with the full names of all graduates? If so, can you email m a good quality scan of just the names, so that I can type them up into a...

Sayville High’s Baseball team around 1910

Today's History Mystery is an exciting one! Here is an amazing photograph of Sayville High's Baseball team around 1910, courtesy of Mindy Sawyer of Natick, Ma.   Two of the team members are...

Our Cheryl Lee (Yonda) Reid “History Mystery” has been solved.

Cheers!  Our Cheryl Lee (Yonda) Reid "History Mystery" has been solved.   From ancestry, we learned Cheryl was born in September 1943 and her father was Joseph Yonda. I found her DOB by...

Today’s History Mystery; Cheryl Yonda, Class of 1961.

Today's History Mystery is a real blank page; Does anyone know Cheryl Yonda? Class of 1961. Reported passed away in White Cloud, FL two or more years ago. There is no senior picture. Ancestry shows a...

Happy Birthday to Lynda (Sprague) Fox!

We just learned of a birthday, albeit a little late. Lynda (Sprague) Fox, Class of 1961 had a birthday last Saturday, March 21st. Happy birthday to Linda in Chillicothe, Ohio!...

Fantastic Sayville High team photo from 1933!

Christine Pensabene, who manages the Rollstone Ave. Facebook page was kind enough to share this fantastic Sayville High team photo from 1933! An added fabulous feature is that each member is numbered...

Will Eli Manning be a Hall of Famer?

Come check out the new posting by Jordan Stankovich! (Class of 2009). https://sayvillealumni.org/diamond-js-sports-time-capsule-by-jordan-stankovich-class-of-2009/...

2020 re-unions

Currently, we have only been informed of two 2020 re-unions; 1. Combined classes of 1959-60-61 and 2. 1980. Please let us know if others are being planned so that we can keep all the details listed...

Have information or photographs about Sayville High alumni who have unfortunately passed away? 

Wish to commemorate an alumnus or alumna in our “Birthday Remembrances” and “Class Virtual Cemetery?

Wish to keep us informed and provide your own contact information and personal legacy details?   

Information Submission Portal

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