June 3, 1912. Just five days after the tragic death of her father,

June 3, 1912. Just five days after the tragic death of her father,

June 3, 1912. Just five days after the tragic death of her father,

June 3, 1912. Just five days after the tragic death of her father, Irving Hudson Vail, Esther Jane Vail, Class of 1929, was born in Sayville, likely in the family home at 35 Cleveland Ave. 25 years later, Esther’s funeral would also be held in this home

Come read the sad story of Esther Jane Vail, a
vivacious, enthusiastic, popular, aspiring artist in our continuing series titled “Endless Waves” at;

Esther Jane Vail, Class of 1929 (sayvillealumni.org)

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