June 2020 brings us halfway through the year…

June 2brings us halfway through the year…

June 2020 brings us halfway through the year…

June 2brings us halfway through the year…

June brings us halfway through the year. And what a year it’s been. Filled with some of the most unusual events that we have ever seen.


I thought I would give you all a little info into my military background. I was in the U.S. Army. Enlisted as a 43E (Parachute Rigger) but later assigned to 71L (Administrative Specialist) with a TSSC. due to military needs at the time.


I worked at the HHQ at Fort Myer, VA, and also AHS in Alexandria, VA. I was chosen to work at the Pentagon (in the same ring that the 911 terrorists demolished) and was assigned to a traveling panel with the base Colonel to the World Trade Centers in NYC for the ADRB (Army Discharge and Review Board). So for me, the events of 911 were deeply personal as I had been actively working in both places.


Our world has changed in many ways. As military members and Veterans, our job is to educate and never let this world forget our brave soldiers who came before us.


“A soldier does not fear death. A soldier only fears being forgotten”.

Stay safe,  Linda Rodriquez,  Class of 1973

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