Exactly 100 years ago today was the Sayville High School Class of 1920’s commencement exercises!

Exactly 100 years ago today was the Sayville High School Class of 1920’s commencement exercises!

Exactly 100 years ago today was the Sayville High School Class of 1920’s commencement exercises!

Sayville History Splash, June 25, 1920, Today marks a 100-year-old Sayville High anniversary! Yes! ONE-HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAY!


Exactly 100 years ago today was the Sayville High School Class of 1920’s commencement exercises!


Please share! this… And, if you can… please tell us the names and/or family names that you recognize.


Our hearty congratulations to the great class of 2020… and, we now also remember on this day, the class of 1920.


(click each image below for full-size readable version)