Anyone interested in a little internet digging for some information on 1924 Sayville High graduates? There were ten; five young women and five young men.
1. Ada Dykstra
2. Ann Farnum
3. George Hubbard
4. Hazel Josten
5. Eleanor Smith
3. George Hubbard
4. Hazel Josten
5. Eleanor Smith
6. Margie Van Wyen
We already have some information in these four 1924 graduates;
1. Joseph Arata, Jr.
2. Clifford Elbert
3. Rollinson Smith
4. Howard Faas
Posted at 20:46h, 14 AugustNot internet digging, but personal memory. George Hubbard was an officer of tr Oysterman’s Bank & Trust Company (the Sayville bank) for many years in the 1950s & 1960s. I think he retired from the bank that bought out the Oysterman’s.
Hal Gordon Brown
Posted at 21:00h, 14 AugustThanks very much, Carl!