Blog/Daily news and announcements

Sayville History splash; 1952 floats…   bet they were delicious! 

1952 floats...   bet they were delicious!  Soda fountains were popular gathering places for High School...
Sayville History splash;  1952 floats…   bet they were delicious! 

Sadly, we have just learned of the passing last month of Sharon A. Kelleher, Class of 2000.

Sadly, we have just learned of the passing last month of Sharon A. Kelleher, Class...
Sadly, we have just learned of the passing last month of Sharon A. Kelleher, Class of 2000.

Sayville History Splash. This photo is from our 1952 yearbook.

Students used typewriters. They played records on phonographs. You could go home or stay at...
Sayville History Splash. This photo is from our 1952 yearbook.

Have your visited our alumni blogs and columns recently?

Many are updated.  They are all right here;
Have your visited our alumni blogs and columns recently?

Sudden passing of George Richard Everett, on August 3, 2020, class of 1986.

Sadly, we have received information regarding the sudden passing of George Richard Everett, on August...
Sudden passing of George Richard Everett, on August 3, 2020, class of 1986.

“Horses, Boys, and Girls” by David Stang

Stang Wars; Snippets of Wisdom from the life and works of David Stang. Episode;  "Horses...
“Horses, Boys, and Girls” by David Stang

All the social distancing and masks driving you nuts? Let’s get together for a couple of minutes on Zoom.

Let's get together for a couple of minutes on Zoom. Need help navigating the website?...
All the social distancing and masks driving you nuts?   Let’s get together for a couple of minutes on Zoom.

Did you know Sayville High had a Fulbright scholar?

Did you know Sayville High had a Fulbright scholar? Come read about Dr. Ginny Lussier...
Did you know Sayville High had a Fulbright scholar?

Today’s History Mystery! Herbert H. (or M.) Dahl,  class of 1958.

We are still searching for Herbert H. (or M.) Dahl,  class of 1958.   Reportedly, Herbert...
Today’s History Mystery!   Herbert H. (or M.) Dahl,  class of 1958.