Introducing a new series initiative titled “Sayville Alum Career Reflections”. #1. Air Traffic Controller. Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977

Introducing a new series initiative titled “Sayville Alum Career Reflections”.  #1.   Air Traffic Controller.    Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977

Introducing a new series initiative titled “Sayville Alum Career Reflections”. #1. Air Traffic Controller. Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977

Introducing a new series initiative titled “Sayville Alum Career Reflections”.  #1.   Air Traffic Controller.    Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977

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Based on your voluntary submissions, we will be posting a short paragraph or two regarding your career choices.

The idea came from conversations with Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977, so Gregg’s is our first posting in this series.

This will eventually populate a special alphabetically arranged careers-oriented page on our alumni website.

We hope it will serve as a very positive and inspirational career resource for current SHS students!

Now, may we hear from you? Please take a minute and send a paragraph or two, to

Your paragraph can be why you chose your career or perhaps why it was a good choice. The wording is your personal choice.

If you can include a photo of you in your career role (as we did on Gregg’s post), that would be awesome!

Here is the first posting in the series;

Air Traffic Controller. Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977 Air Traffic Controller.    Rev. Gregg S. Smith, Class of 1977

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