Happy New Year everyone! Listed below are deceased Sayville High alumni and one teacher whose birthdays are not yet known to us.

Happy New Year everyone!
Listed below are deceased Sayville High alumni and one teacher whose birthdays are not yet known to us.
We’ve searched many resources such as newspapers, genealogy websites and also reached out to people who might have answers. The birthdates are out there… somewhere. The Sayville School District has most, but sadly, states they are not allowed to provide them. Therefore, today January 1, we remember these departed alumni and one teacher;
Samuel Hammond Yarrington
Class of 1894. Born January 1874. Died November 16, 1916.
Grace L’ecluse Yarrington Cox
Class of 1894. Born January 1879. Died November 27, 1938.
Jason H. Haggerty
Class of 1996. Born 1978. Died December 7, 1996.
Evelyn J. (Clock) Zwissler
Class of 1907. Born Dec 1891. Died November 28, 1970.
Dow Clock
President of the Sayville Board of Education for 37 years. Born 1858. Died June 2, 1931.
Elizabeth Kimberly “Kim” (Flake) Taylor
Class of 1972. Born about 1954. Died June 6, 1983.
Marion (Heine) Skidmore
Class of 1930. Born ?, ? 1913.
William F. H. Cochrane
Class of 1894. Born November ?, 1877
Clara Marguerite Hall
Teacher. Born 1905
Gertrude Hazel (Maas) Mott
Class of 1930. Born August 1912,
Jennie Martha (Terry) Reeve
Class of 1891 Sayville School system. born August, ? 1875.
Jessie C. Cochrane
Class of 1909, Born ?,? 1882.
Mary Gertrude Ketcham
1891 Sayville School system. Born November, ? 1878,
Jennie (Nauert) Grant
Class of 1910. Born ?, ? 1890
Further information available here;