Sayville History Splash; Often, people begged for his autograph and you can see why!

Often, people begged for his autograph and you can see why!

Sayville History Splash; Often, people begged for his autograph and you can see why!

Today’s Sayville History Splash is also a quiz…

This Sayville Alumnus worked on the bay all his life and was also an electrician. His license plate was “Clam Man”. Often, people begged for his autograph and you can see why!

This photograph is courtesy of his loving daughter Cheryl… and we beg Steve Carlyle not to answer this quiz right away!

1 Comment
  • Hal Gordon Brown
    Posted at 19:06h, 09 July Reply

    Richard Wieser is our winner! Way to go, Richard! We had a lot of people stumped here… did you see the Willie Nelson look-alike picture? Joseph Von der Vor’s daughter Cheryl is following this and will be happy that you hit the bullseye. Thank you, Richard Wieser!

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