This is the daughter of a Sayville teacher. She is also a Sayville Alumni. Please pray for her sweet Laney!???

This is the daughter of a Sayville teacher. She is also a Sayville Alumni. Please pray for her sweet Laney!???

This is the daughter of a Sayville teacher. She is also a Sayville Alumni. Please pray for her sweet Laney!???

Update: 12/27
As of this morning we thought Laney was going to have to have a procedure done on her heart. Her heart’s ejection fraction was at 19 last night and normal range is in the 60’s. They wanted to surgically place a hole in the septum (wall that separates the left and right atria and the left and right ventricles). Ironically, Laney had open heart surgery at 3 years old to actually close up a hole in the septum that she was born with.
But we just got great news ???. Laney is not having that procedure done!!! Her heart function is at a 57!!! Like many of you know she’s sassy and a fighter and she’s continuing fight????????❤️❤️
From the bottom of our hearts we truly want to thank everyone for all of the love and support you are showing us through this difficult time!!
The prayers are working and Laney still needs them!!
Please keep them coming.
I will try and keep everyone updated when I can.
Our Laney girl is the toughest, strongest and bravest person we know!! She is currently fighting for her life and as been on life support since Christmas Eve. The ECMO machine she is hooked up to is allowing her heart and lungs to rest, so they have a chance to heal.
We know that she is going to continue to fight to get better but we are asking, for Laney to be in your thoughts and prayers. ??❤️?
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