Star Notes
“30 year anniversary of the buildup and execution of the Gulf War”
By Richard K. Sele
Brigadier General (Retired), US Army
Star Notes
By Richard K. Sele
Brigadier General (Retired), US Army
This is the 30 year anniversary of the buildup and execution of the Gulf War.
By this time the air war had already been going on and I was linked up with the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment as a liaison.
Some not very exciting photos I took give you an idea of my time from arrival to Feb 9, 1991, as I sat waiting to cross into Iraq for the ground assault.
I tried to best remember what and where the photos were from and added that in the captions.
We were alerted in early Nov 1990. My wife Mary Sele was also in the same unit so we deployed together. We spent Thanksgiving on a railhead in Germany loading equipment that would travel by ship. We landed in Dhahran by chartered airline a little before Christmas.
From there Mary and I went separate ways. She stayed with the battalion and I split off and attached to 2ACR. More posts to come over the next couple of weeks.