2023 Veteran’s Day Message; Submitted to the Sayville Alumni Association by Brigadier General (Retired) Richard K. Sele, Class of 1979.
2023 Veteran’s Day Message;
Submitted to the Sayville Alumni Association by
Brigadier General (Retired) Richard K. Sele, Class of 1979.
I was struggling to figure out what to say in a message today. Happy Veterans Day just didn’t seem like enough for a retired general.
I read an Instagram post this morning about Jason Everman, former bassist for Soundgarden and guitarist for Nirvana. He gave it all up to join the Army. He first served in 2nd Ranger Battalion and then as a Green Beret in 3rd Special Forces Group. He’s now a Sergeant First Class. I thought “wow that is inspiring.”
I was shocked at the number of negative comments about America and our military. A bunch of trolls for sure. I thought about all the things our forces do that don’t involve warfighting. If only these trolls knew what the United States military really does.
Sure, the military’s primary purpose is to fight the nation’s wars in defense of the Constitution and all it stands for. We also build relationships around the world by training and advising foreign troops so they can defend their countries. We conduct humanitarian assistance and civic action programs also.
East Timor is a great example of the latter. I was the Civil Military Operations Officer for US Support Group East Timor in 2001. East Timor just broke from Indonesia for independence.
It was a very rough period for them. I was there to coordinate for an upcoming ship visit by the USS Boxer. They planned for much needed engineering projects and the delivery of food and supplies to the Timorese.
I was one of a handful of staff for USGET. It was led by an Air Force Colonel. The staff included a Marine Corps operations officer, an Army intelligence officer, and reps from each service to handle logistics and administration. We also had a contingent of Marines for security. We worked in coordination with the UN and its contingent on the island.
When the big day arrived, the USS Boxer pulled into the area. Marines came ashore and repaired a small school and medical clinic. The Navy flew in relief supplies and along with the Marines airlifted them around the island for World Food Program. We’re talking tons and tons of food and supplies.
It was an enormous success for the Timorese government and people. It demonstrated US resolve to assist the newborn country. It also sent a message to others that we won’t tolerate human rights violations and atrocities.
I’m proud to be a veteran.
I’m very proud of all that have served year after year.
Happy Veterans Day.
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